Accreditation Reports
Part 1. General program information (submitted via CTC web-survey, September 2024)
Part 2. Overview of required courses for literacy instruction and process for program revisions
Part 3. Preparing candidates to understand and teach foundational skills
Part 4: Program inclusion of literature, language, comprehension
Part 5. Ensuring candidates are well prepared to understand and implement diagnostic and early intervention techniques
CTC Report on Phase II of the SB488 Literacy Certification process (COMPLETE)
STEP Accreditation Letter | January 2024
Accreditation Schedule
2023 Common Standards Program Review Report Responses Submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), August 2023
2023 Common Standards Program Review Report Submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), March 2023
- Common Standard 1: Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation
- Common Standard 2: Candidate Recruitment and Support
- Common Standard 3: Course of Study, Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
- Common Standard 4: Continuous Improvement
- Common Standard 5: Program Impact
2022 Program Review Report Submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), October 2022
STEP Secondary (Single Subject Program)
- Section 1, Exhibit 1: Program Summary (SS, MS & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 1, Exhibit 2: Delivery Models
- Section 2, Exhibit 1: STEP Organizational Charts (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 3, Exhibit 1: Overview of Faculty (SS)
- Section 3, Exhibit 2: Current, Annotated Faculty List with Courses Taught (SS)
- Section 3, Exhibit 3: Published Documentation on Faculty Experience & Qualifications (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 4, Exhibit 1b: Sequence of Courses (SS)
- Section 5, Exhibit 1: Course Matrix (SS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 1: Required Hours for Supervised Clinical Practice (SS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 2: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreements (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 3: Materials to Train SS and MS (all) Cooperating Teachers & Supervisors (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 4: Appropriate Placements (SS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 5: Information on Clinical Practice for Districts & Candidates & Performance Assessment Information to Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 6: Syllabi for Supervised Clinical Experiences (SS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 7: Blank Assessment Instruments (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 1: Program’s Process for Recommending Qualified Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 2: Program Emails about Requirements and Tracking Documents (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 3: Blank IDP Form (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
STEP Elementary (Multiple Subject Program)
- Section 1, Exhibit 1: Program Summary (SS, MS & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 1, Exhibit 2: Delivery Models
- Section 2, Exhibit 1: STEP Organizational Charts (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 3, Exhibit 1: Overview of Faculty (MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 3, Exhibit 2: Current, Annotated Faculty List with Courses Taught (MS, & MS + bilingual authorization
- Section 3, Exhibit 3: Published Documentation on Faculty Experience & Qualifications (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 4, Exhibit 1b: Sequence of Courses (MS & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 5, Exhibit 1: MS Course Matrix (MS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 1: Required Hours for Supervised Clinical Practice (MS)
- Section 6, Exhibit 2: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreements (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 3: Materials to Train SS and MS (all) Cooperating Teachers & Supervisors (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 4: Appropriate Placements (MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 5: Information on Clinical Practice for Districts & Candidates & Performance Assessment Information to Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 6: Syllabi for Supervised Clinical Experiences (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 7: Blank Assessment Instruments (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 1: Program’s Process for Recommending Qualified Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 2: Program Emails about Requirements and Tracking Documents (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 3: Blank IDP Form (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
STEP Elementary-bilingual (Multiple Subject Program + bilingual authorization)
- Section 1, Exhibit 1: Program Summary (SS, MS & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 1, Exhibit 2: Delivery Models
- Section 1, Exhibit 3: Bilingual Authorization Pathway Addendum
- Section 2, Exhibit 1: STEP Organizational Charts (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 2, Exhibit 2: Addendum-Bilingual (Spanish) Pathway
- Section 3, Exhibit 1: Overview of Faculty (MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 3, Exhibit 2: Current, Annotated Faculty List with Courses Taught (MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 3, Exhibit 3: Published Documentation on Faculty Experience & Qualifications (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 4, Exhibit 1b: Sequence of Courses (MS & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 5, Exhibit 1: Course Matrix (MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 5, Exhibit 2: Addendum- MS Course Matrix
- Section 6, Exhibit 1: Required Hours for Supervised Clinical Practice (MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 2: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreements (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 3: Materials to Train SS and MS (all) Cooperating Teachers & Supervisors (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 4: Appropriate Placements (MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 5: Information on Clinical Practice for Districts & Candidates & Performance Assessment Information to Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 6: Syllabi for Supervised Clinical Experiences (MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 6, Exhibit 7: Blank Assessment Instruments (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 1: Program’s Process for Recommending Qualified Candidates (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 2: Program Emails about Requirements and Tracking Documents (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
- Section 7, Exhibit 3: Blank IDP Form (SS, MS, & MS + bilingual authorization)
Response to CCTC Feedback Submitted August, 2022
CTC Preconditions Report 2022
- Appendix A: Stanford University WASC Accreditation Letter
- Appendix B: Statement of Assurance
- Appendix C: STEP Steering Committee Charge
- Appendix D: Stanford & STEP Organizational charts
- Appendix E: Procedure for the Dismissal of Masters Students
- Appendix F: Faculty & Instructor Participation in Public Schools (Excel version)
- Appendix G: Placement Experiences and Timeline: STEP Elementary / STEP Secondary
- Appendix H: Supplemental Information Form
- Appendix I: Advancement to Independent Student Teaching Form: STEP Elementary / STEP Secondary
- Appendix J: Sample Tracking Form for Subject Matter Requirements (Excel Version)
- Appendix K: Sample Tracking Form for State Credential Requirements: STEP Elementary (STEP Elementary Excel Version) / STEP Secondary (STEP Secondary Excel Version)
- Appendix L: Sample edTPA Score Report (Excel Version)
- Appendix M: Sample Tracking Form for Multiple Subjects & Multiple Subjects with Bilingual Authorization Candidates (Excel Version)
CTC Preconditions feedback form
CTC Preconditions Report 2019
Report submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), 2016
Biennial Report for 2010-2012
submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)
Title II Report and Pass Rates for 2010-2011
submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)
Title II Report and Pass Rates for 2009-2010
submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)
Biennial Report for 2008-2010 / Part B
submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)
Submitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), May 2008
Program Standard 1: Program Design
Program Standard 2: Collaboration in Governing the Program
Program Standard 3: Relationships Between Theory and Practice
Program Standard 4: Pedagogical Thought and Reflective Practice
Program Standard 5: Equity, Diversity and Access to the Core Curriculum for All Children
Program Standard 6: Opportunities to Learn, Practice and Reflect on Teaching in All Subject Areas
Program Standard 7: Preparation to Teach Reading-Language Arts
Program Standard 8: Pedagogical Preparation for Subject-Specific Content Instruction
Program Standard 9: Using Technology in the Classroom
Program Standard 10: Preparation for Learning to Create a Supportive, Healthy Environment for Student Learning
Program Standard 11: Preparation to Use Educational Ideas and Research
Program Standard 12: Professional Perspectives Toward Student Learning and the Teaching Profession
Program Standard 13: Preparation to Teach English Learners
Program Standard 14: Preparation to Teach Special Populations in the General Education Classroom
Program Standard 15: Learning to Teach Through Supervised Fieldwork
Program Standard 16: Selection of Fieldwork Sites and Qualifications of Field Supervisors
Program Standard 17: Candidate Qualifications for Teaching Responsibilities in the Fieldwork Sequence
Program Standard 18: Pedagogical Assignments and Formative Assessment During the Program
Program Standard 19: Assessment Administered for Validity, Accuracy and Fairness
Program Standard 20: Assessor Qualifications and Training
Program Standard 21: Assessment Administration, Resources and Reporting
Common Standard 6: Advice and Assistance Addendum
Submitted to the National Council for Accreditation of Teachers of Education (NCATE), May 2008
Overview of Conceptual Framework
Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions
Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Standard 4: Diversity
Standard 5: Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development
Standard 6: Unit Governance and Resources