Jomayra Herrera
You just completed the POLS program. What do you think about it?
Unlike many master’s programs, the POLS program is very flexible, which can be both beneficial and challenging. The POLS program gives students the opportunity to really pursue issues they are passionate about, but that also means that its crucial to be proactive about deciding on what opportunities make the most sense to your career as a student.
How would you describe your classmates?
The 2014-2015 POLS cohort was unique – they came from a wide variety of industries and career tracks, which meant we always had a diverse set of perspectives to learn from. It was a great learning experience to explore and discuss important topics in education with a professionally diverse group of classmates.
What were you doing prior to studying at the GSE?
I did the co-terminal program, so I was actually finishing my senior year at Stanford while also finishing the POLS program. Prior to starting the POLS program, I had interned at the U.S. Department of Education and had spent three years volunteering for a literacy program called Ravenswood Reads.
What drew you to the field of education?
In part, I was drawn to the field of education because of my personal experiences as a low-income student in the education system. However, this interest really developed through some of the volunteering opportunities I had in schools nearby to Stanford.

What do you think you’ll remember from POLS?
Professor Gay Hoagland’s site-based decision-making class was unforgettable. She always had the most wonderful wisdom to share with each of us and ensured that each class was such a fulfilling experience.
What are your career plans?
Currently, I am working as an account manager for an education technology startup called BloomBoard. Since I just started, I plan to stay at this company for a while and see where my career ultimately takes me.