Jennifer Chan

I was transitioning from the private sector and had backpacked around Asia for a year prior to landing on the farm. I knew that I wanted to do research on human rights but was not sure about the disciplinary angle or program. The ICE program in the Stanford University School of Education turned out to be best platform for me to pursue interdisciplinary training on international human rights. ICE has a strong tradition in international development. Its faculty members are renowned scholars in the field. My student peers all came with amazing backgrounds. I was able to take full advantage of resources in other disciplines and faculties such as law, women's studies, political science, and anthropology, which continue to serve me well today. I have been an academic now for one full decade and it is only with hindsight that I realize how my rigorous and well-rounded Stanford training has prepared me to take on an ever-expanding range of intellectual issues. I owe everything that I do today to SUSE.