Zerui Tian

I decided to come to the GSE because I wanted to have rigorous social science methods training and an opportunity to conduct an independent research project. Knowing that I would apply for PhD programs after getting my Master’s degree, I was particularly attracted to how much the ICE/IEPA program can prepare me for a research career.
Indeed, the MA research project of the ICE/IEPA program was an intellectually stimulating journey for me. From brainstorming research questions, identifying datasets and methods, putting together results and discussions, to finally reflecting on the contributions and weaknesses of my research, I have received an incredible amount of guidance and support from the program director, my advisor, the teaching assistant team, and the entire GSE community. The wide offering of methods classes was also amazing—from qualitative methods to regression analysis to causal inference, GSE courses are both rigorous and accessible, whatever one’s previous background was. I also took classes in other schools and departments at Stanford, thanks to the flexibility of the ICE/IEPA program. In these courses, I got exposure to diverse topics such as machine learning-based causal inference methods and entrepreneurial leadership which greatly expanded my scope of knowledge.
However, the GSE experience was much more than the MA research project and the methods classes. I have met students from all over the world who share a similar commitment with me to make the world a better place. Through exciting conversations with peers, alumni, and guest speakers, I was assured that I am not alone in trying to translate social science research into real-world impact, particularly to better education policies, reduce learning gaps, and improve access to resources for the next generation.
I have now started my doctoral course in Sociology, and I couldn’t have had the confidence to embark on this new journey without the experience of studying at the GSE. I am still a beneficiary of the large yet close alumni network of the GSE across the world as I continue to meet GSE alumni despite being away from the Bay Area. I wholeheartedly recommend the ICE/IEPA program and Stanford GSE to anyone who wishes to engage in learning about education through an international and cross-disciplinary lens, and to meet like-minded peers who will remain your friends for a lifetime.