Edward Haertel
Assistant: Elayne Weissler-Martello
Office: CERAS 433
Dr. Haertel is an expert in the area of educational testing and assessment. His research and teaching focus on psychometrics and educational policy, especially test-based accountability and related policy uses of test data. His recent work has examined standard setting methods, limitations of value-added models for teacher and school accountability, impacts of testing on curriculum, students, and educational policy, test reliability, and generalizability theory.
Other titles
Program affiliations
Research interests
Assessment, Testing and Measurement | International and Comparative Education | School Reform | Standards | Teachers and Teaching
Recent publications
Berman, A. I., Haertel, E. H., & Pellegrino, J. W. (Eds.). (2020). Comparability of Large-Scale Educational Assessments: Issues and Recommendations. National Academy of Education.
Haertel, E. H. (2018). The Testing Charade: Pretending to Make Schools Better. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 124(3), 373–77.
Jensen, B., Grajeda, S., & Haertel, E. (2018). Measuring Cultural Dimensions of Classroom Interactions. EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT, 23(4), 250–76.