- Non Profit Organization
- Stanford Science and Language Website
- Google Scholar Citations
Assistant: Elayne P Weissler-Martello
Office: CERAS 433
Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Graduate School of Education
Diversity and Identity | Literacy and Language | Poverty and Inequality | Standards | Teachers and Teaching
Wolfram, W., Hudley, A. H. C., & Valdes, G. (2023). Language & Social Justice in the United States: An Introduction. DAEDALUS, 152(3), 5–17.
Valdes, G. (2023). Social Justice Challenges of "Teaching" Languages. DAEDALUS, 152(3), 52–68.
Alvarez, L., Capitelli, S., & Valdes, G. (2023). Beyond sentence frames: Scaffolding emergent multilingual students' participation in science discourse. TESOL JOURNAL.