Guadalupe Valdés

Guadalupe Valdés

Emerita Professor
Assistant: Elayne P Weissler-Martello
Office: CERAS 433


Dr. Valdes' research explores many of the issues of bilingualism relevant to teachers in training, including methods of instruction, typologies, measurement of progress, and the role of education in national policies on immigration. Specifically, she studies the sociolinguistic processes of linguistic acquisition by learners in different circumstances--those who set out to learn a second language in a formal school setting (elective bilingualism) and those who must learn two languages in order to adapt to immediate family-based or work-based communicative needs within an immigrant community (circumstantial bilingualism). Her research in these areas has made her one of the most eminent experts on Spanish-English bilingualism in the United States.

Other titles

Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Graduate School of Education

Program affiliations

SHIPS (PhD): Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)
SHIPS (PhD): Anthropology of Education
SHIPS (PhD): Educational Linguistics

Research interests

Diversity and Identity | Literacy and Language | Poverty and Inequality | Standards | Teachers and Teaching

Recent publications

Wolfram, W., Hudley, A. H. C., & Valdes, G. (2023). Language & Social Justice in the United States: An Introduction. DAEDALUS, 152(3), 5–17.
Valdes, G. (2023). Social Justice Challenges of "Teaching" Languages. DAEDALUS, 152(3), 52–68.
Alvarez, L., Capitelli, S., & Valdes, G. (2023). Beyond sentence frames: Scaffolding emergent multilingual students' participation in science discourse. TESOL JOURNAL.