Eamonn Callan

Eamonn Callan

Emeritus Professor
Assistant: Elayne Weissler-Martello
Office: CERAS 433


Dr. Callan is a philosopher of education whose work draws heavily on contemporary moral and political theory. His principal interests are in civic and moral education, and in the application of theories of justice and democracy to problems in educational policy and practice.

Other titles

Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Graduate School of Education

Program affiliations

SHIPS (PhD): Philosophy of Education
SHIPS (PhD): Social Sciences in Education

Research interests

Philosophy | Sociology

Recent publications

Callan, E. (2011). When to shut students up: Civility, silencing, and free speech. School Field, 9(1).
Callan, E. (2010). The Better Angels of Our Nature: Patriotism and Dirty Hands. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, 18(3), 249–70.
Callan, E. (2010). The better angels of our nature: patriotism and dirty hands. Journal of Political Philosophy, 18(3).

Eamonn Callan in the News & Media