Connie Juel
Assistant: Elayne Weissler-Martello
Office: CERAS 433
Connie Juel's research centers on literacy acquisition, especially as it is affected by school instruction. She is noted for both her longitudinal research on reading development, often following children across multiple school years, and her work on interventions to help struggling readers. She was awarded the National Reading Conference's Oscar Causey Award for outstanding contributions to reading research (2002) and was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame by the International Reading Association (2001).
Other titles
Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Graduate School of Education
Research interests
Child Development | Curriculum and Instruction | Literacy and Language | Psychology | Teachers and Teaching
Recent publications
Juel, C., Hebard, H., Haubner, J., & Moran, M. (2010). Reading through a disciplinary lens. Reading to Learn.
Juel, C. (2010). Taking a long view of reading development. Bringing Reading Research to Life.
Invernizzi, M., Juel, C., & Lewis-Wagner, D. (2009). Book buddies: A tutoring framework for struggling readers. Guilford Press.