First Year (3rd Quarter) Review
At the end of the third quarter, students complete a review of their first year’s work in order to assess their progress in conducting research, ensure that their Graduate Study Program (GSP) reflects adequate breadth and depth of knowledge in their field, and identify any additional training needs of the student.
A committee, comprised of the program advisor(s) and other faculty, evaluates the student’s portfolio and overall academic progress to date in a review hearing. The portfolio normally contains the preliminary GSP, transcripts, and Area-specific materials, and it is submitted at least two to four weeks prior to the review hearing date.
Each Area’s section of this Handbook details the Area-specific requirements for the review. Students must meet with their advisor several weeks in advance of the review to discuss expectations, scheduling, and portfolio due date. Committee membership requirements are discussed in the Committee Composition for First- and Second-Year Reviews section.
The First-Year Review Committee may advise a student against continuing in the program. If a student wishes to petition such a decision, then the matter will be brought before the Area Committee, which makes a recommendation to the Associate Dean of Educational Affairs for action. If a student wishes to appeal the Area Committee’s decision, a written request can be made to the Area Chairs in Education (ACE) committee via the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. The Committee will independently review the student’s portfolio materials, academic progress information, and faculty evaluations. ACE will inform the student and respective faculty members of its decision.
Registration (i.e., enrollment) is required for any quarter during which a degree requirement is completed, including the First-Year Review. Refer to the Registration or Enrollment for Milestone Completion section for more details.
Students may petition for an extension of the First-Year Review deadline to the fourth quarter of enrollment. The student should discuss this option with their advisor and then email the Doctoral Programs Officer explaining why they will not be able to complete the Review by the published deadline, the length of the requested extension (normally one quarter), and the proposed Review completion date. The program advisor should also email a statement of support to the Doctoral Programs Officer. Additional supporting documentation may be requested depending upon the nature of the request (e.g., Student Disability Resource Center support for disability-related extensions). Both emails and any supporting documentation must be received a few business days prior to the last Area Committee meeting of the student’s third quarter of enrollment, which is usually Spring Quarter. The Area Committee and Chair will review the request for an extension and render a decision.
The Doctoral Programs Officer sends out informational emails in the Winter Quarter for Area-Specific requirements and deadlines for the First-Year Reviews to be completed in Spring Quarter. Procedures and deadlines to petition for extensions are included.
Contact us
PhD students, please contact:

MA POLS and MA/PP students, please contact:

EDS, ICE/IEPA, Individually Designed, LDT, MA/JD, MA/MBA students, please contact: