Courses Overview
The Doctoral degree at the GSE is a very individualized program of study. It is designed by a student, in conjunction with his or her faculty advisor, based on the student’s research needs and interests. The Core requirements guide each student’s educational plan as established by the faculty of the program or concentration within the student’s Area, the faculty of the GSE, and the University.
Appropriate courses in other departments of the University (e.g., Anthropology, Linguistics, or Psychology), as well as courses within the GSE, may be used to fulfill GSE course requirements. Students must consult with their advisor when selecting courses outside the GSE to fulfill degree requirements.
Note: All units must be in courses at or above the 100-level in a degree-granting program in order to count toward the doctoral degree requirements in the GSE. The GSE expects students to take all of their courses at the 200 level or above (at least 50 percent of courses at the 200 level are required by the university). A limited number of 100-level courses may count with advisor and Area Committee approval. English for Foreign Students (ESFLANG 600 level) courses and Athletic (ATHLETIC) courses, e.g., social dance or yoga, do not count toward the doctoral degree requirements in the GSE.
Contact us
PhD students, please contact:

MA POLS and MA/PP students, please contact:

EDS, ICE/IEPA, Individually Designed, LDT, MA/JD, MA/MBA students, please contact: